Nas aulas de Português, os alunos do 9.º ano foram desafiados a criar composições poéticas em torno da temática do mar.
Read MoreArticle by student Louisa Odendaal discussing the ongoing debate on phone usage in schools. The recent no-phone rule implemented at the School of Aprendizes sparked a round table conference, allowing teachers and students to voice their opinions and explore different perspectives.
Read MoreDuring this week, we are exploring the Space at Aprendizes. There will be a talk about Carl Sagan, and we will explore stars, planets and galaxies. We'll talk about the Pale Blue Dot, focusing on astronomy and astrophysics. There's an exhibit about space exploration and the universe, including amazing views of the Earth and the ISS.
Read MoreBreathing through the mouth is abnormal and becomes a pathological condition when it persists for longer than 6 months. And did you know that it can have a direct consequence on sleep quality?
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