O Halloween foi assim 🎃 This was Halloween

Levamos a sério as datas que nos permitem celebrar e divertir, aproveitando cada momento para nos relacionarmos e criarmos ligações entre os nossos alunos e cada membro da equipa. Foi assim o Halloween, com momentos criados para os nossos alunos, e momentos criados pelos nossos alunos, envolvendo a comunidade e os pais. Obrigada à Associação de Pais que tão bem organizou o Truck or Treat deste ano.

We take every date of celebration seriously. We cherish these moments to bond and relate with our students and community. We are building a community that we hope can go beyond what schools traditionally are, supporting the development of each student. This years’ Halloween was excatly like this, with moments created for our students and moments created by our students, involving the community as whole, as well as parents. Kudos to the Parents’ Association for organizing the Trunk or Treat.